Gerard Jose
CEO - Bendigo Community Health Services
Creating conditions that improve access to primary health care must involve improving community wellbeing and self-determination. Community Health services are truly owned and co-designed by their local communities.
Sadly, the pandemic has highlighted the vast chasms that exist between different parts of our society. Unfortunately, health outcomes are affected by factors like socioeconomic status and job security, but these disparities have been particularly evident in the COVID era. Those living with racism, poverty, mental health, insecure work, domestic and household violence, and homelessness have been amongst those damaged by the pandemic.
By taking services into their space we are building opportunities to further social engagement and connections. The positive outcomes and experiences we have observed extend beyond a response to COVID and tell us much more about how we truly engage people in services and in building up an understanding of their care needs.
Thriving communities rely on social justice and the commitment to work together and build cohesion. This is why this campaign is critical. Our service is committed to advocating for better outcomes for our community – and that means putting Community Health First.