Bellarine Community Health
Bellarine Community Health

An innovative new nature-based program introducing preschool children to story times in a garden setting hopes to ‘plant a seed within families’ that fosters an ongoing connection to community gardens and their local public library.
The ‘Little Growers: Story time in the Garden’ is a partnership project between Bellarine Community Health (BCH) and Geelong Regional Libraries, which will see families participate in a nature-based story telling program, with stories, songs, and a hands-on garden activity.
“By providing story times within community gardens, families can come together in a safe outdoor space, get hands-on in the garden, and find out about the places in their community where they can access free local and sustainable food,” said BCH Health Planner Laura Boehm.
The BCH Healthy and Connected Communities team is delivering Little Growers as part of their Bellarine Youth Agents of Change environmental leadership program, which includes a suite of local initiatives that takes a whole-of-community approach to increasing healthy eating and climate resilience on the Bellarine.
To learn more about this fantastic initiative, head to the Bellarine Community Health website.