IPC Health

The Child and Family Hub model was codesigned through an intensive 10-week workshop series and consultations with over 100 families and 30 service providers from Wyndham Vale. The codesign process focused on the client journey through the Hub and will be implemented throughout the 12-month pilot phase with learnings used to inform service expansion.
The model is designed to not only integrate services at our Wyndham Vale campus but to also improve connections with external services so we can better respond to these clients with holistic support. We know that with early detection of life challenges and early interventions which address challenges, we can have a positive impact on the mental health of children and their families and help set them up for success later in their lives.
The Hub is a partnership between IPC Health, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Victorian Legal Aid, West Justice, Parenting Research Centre, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network and Wyndham City Council’s Early Years Services.
IPC Health’s vision is a collaborative, client-centred and multidisciplinary approach to the delivery of health care and social services. The Hub is an example of our new service model with easy access for clients and a wellbeing coordinator linking them to services within IPC Health and the wider community.